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Space to Dream

Space to Dream

Let the life you love emerge

There is a voice of longing within every woman and we don’t need to try to match the confidence of a self-assured, chiseled-bodied white man to unlock it.  This longing comes in the form of a whisper and it has the power to match your outside life with your inside desires if you cultivate some space for her to speak.  You don’t need to mold yourself into some better, more confident version of yourself first.  But you do need to stop striving to fit inside a box of what your brain thinks it means to be a good employee, mom, boss, spouse or citizen and begin relating to our own wants and desires as worthy. You only need to be a yes to this adventure. 

Eight years ago, I said yes to uprooting beliefs that blocked me from paying attention to my dreams.  A simple prompt opened up a new possibility: I want to travel the world with my family. Despite not knowing how we could afford this, or even who would be in our family, this spark grew into a small fire and is now a full blaze.

As my family gets ready to embark on this dream of ours to travel the world, I’ve become very familiar with the bumps and roadblocks to fulfilling a dream. I’ve second-guessed myself, had sleepless nights imagining worst case scenarios, concerned myself with what others will think, and judged myself for wanting to travel vs. devoting myself to more morally  applaudable causes.  We all get stuck in our own judgements and criticisms that have us bypass ourselves in order to fulfill roles and expectations. 

I’m inviting you to interrupt this judgment and evoke the feminine imagination to let the life YOU love emerge.  I want you to explore your dreams and fall more in love with your life AND I want  to bring you with me on this year of travel (literally I mean it, come to Bali with me and my family)!

Space to Dream is a year-long coaching program that combines group coaching, personalized 1:1 coaching and a retreat in Bali so that you design your next chapter from your most-aligned version of yourself.  Whether you’re reimagining a career, prioritizing your well-being, navigating a relationship change or entering a new season in life & family, Space to Dream will evoke the female imagination to let the life you love emerge.

What will you get from this program? 

  • Clarity about your wants & desires

  • Ability to recognize and metabolize your fear (aka mental rut)

  • Energy and vibrancy about what’s next for you (whether personal, professional or both)

  • Tools to turn dreamy-ideas into real life practices

  • Breakthrough in your bravery, humor and self-compassion as you connect with women who are powerful creators of their lives 

  • A 5-night stay at the Bloo Lagoon Eco-Lodge in Bali.  Your own beautiful indoor/outdoor living villa with spa treatments, daily yoga, snorkeling, cultural immersion and delicious food.

What is the Bloo Lagoon Eco-Village in Bali?

Bloo Lagoon is an alternative for travelers who want to travel and  connect with nature.  It’s an eco lodge that overlooks the ocean above Padangbai, Bali.  All Bloo Lagoon villas are designed with open spaces with indoor/outdoor living space.  Enjoy  private outdoor bathing surrounded by lush vegetation or sip a drink while lounging on the swimming pool shore.   Included in the retreat is daily yoga, all meals, a spa treatment, your individual villa, and opportunities to learn about East Bali culture including a blessing ceremony by a local priest.  A short walk from the beach is a beautiful lagoon great for snorkeling. 

Who is this program for?

Space to Dream is a program for women and femme leaders and who yearn to fall more in love with your life as you design your next chapter..  This could mean you are reimagining a balanced career, prioritizing your well-being, navigating a relationship change or entering a new season in your life & family.

It’s important to know that what we’re up to here requires a few things before claiming your seat.  You need to be reliable to carve time out for yourself (not your kids, your job, your partner or your pets) and have a commitment to creating lasting change.  If you’ve got these things and room on your dance card to create a loving and sustainable relationship with your dreams & desires, schedule an exploratory call here!

Why a year-long program?

You’re embarking on a new relationship with your desires and dreams.  Cultivating any relationship requires time, care and consistency; the relationship with the most aligned version of you is no different.  We won’t be rushing through this journey, but exploring each stage of the adventure you’re embarking on.  This year-long program can be characterized by these four phases:

  • Departure- we’ll deconstruct and examine cultural conditioning, thoughts and beliefs that hinder a loving relationship with your dreams and desires.

  • Exploration- you’ll be guided to find personalized practices and beliefs that will cultivate an open and curious mind to your dreams and desires (think of this as the dating stage… it’s fun and flirty).

  • Leaping and Stumbling- this is where the journey gets real as you experiment trusting your wants & dreams.  This is where theory and ideas meet action and experimentation. There is no figuring out what you want your life to be without putting your dreams and desires out there in the real world and learning from the process. You will be surrounded by support and community so you create breakthroughs in your bravery, humor and compassion as you leap, stumble, learn and leap again. 

  • Integration- we’ll take time to integrate and celebrate the heroine’s journey you’ve undertaken. This will be in person, in Bali at the  beautiful Bloo Lagoon Eco-Village.  Together we’ll celebrate the scars and the wins so that you cross a threshold that shifts your life towards your dreams and desires

Why group coaching & 1:1 coaching?

Combining new tools with small group coaching supports you to stay engaged and also not feel like you’re floundering if you’re not doing it perfectly. Group support & accountability also means you’re  5x more likely to be successful and consistent at putting tools into practice. Think of the results when you tell yourself you’ll go to the gym vs. you’ve invited a friend to come work out with you to keep you accountable.  Transformation happens in community and it will be through others that you will access your own breakthrough.  

We pair group coaching with 1:1 coaching, so you also get coaching tailored specifically to your goals and desired outcomes. Combining group support with tailored coaching means you receive a multi-layered and dynamic coaching experience.

What are the program dates?

Virtual Kick Off Retreat- July 18th, 2023 (9:00am- 12:00pm PST)

Monthly Group Coaching Sessions - Second Tuesday of each month, time TBD, August 2023- May 2024

Monthly 1:1 Coaching -Individually schedule one session each month (August 2023-May 2023)

Space to Dream Retreat in Bali- June 11th-16th, 2024 

What’s the Cost?  

This program costs $9,750. Registration is open until July 10th. Cost will be broken into three payments of $3,250, including your registration for the program.  This includes:

Kick off Retreat (virtual) 

Monthly Group coaching sessions (12 sessions)

Monthly 1:1 Coaching sessions  (12 sessions)

Coach & group support through What’s App throughout entire program

5-night, 4-Day Retreat in Bali at Bloo Lagoon Eco-Lodge (personal villa, spa treatment, daily yoga, all meals and excursions included)*

*You are responsible to book your flight. To enter Bali you will need a valid passport for a period of at least six months upon entering Bali and apply for a Visa on Arrival (at least 2 days before entering).

Is Sliding scale pricing?

Yes!  I have room for a sliding scale spot. While full pay means you might need to cut back on some discretionary spending in your life (like going out to dinner, buying coffee or going on a vacation), it is a short-term sacrifice and will not harm you in the long term. The sliding scale price is designed for someone who…

  • Has access to basic needs such as food, housing and childcare, though sometimes it may feel difficult.

  • Is able to put away money each month to save up to be able to pay for the program but would need to save longer than 12 months.

Please request more info about this during the exploratory call!

Curious to learn more? 

Schedule an exploratory call.  I would love to meet you, hear about what you want out of life and answer any questions you have

Ready to Grab Your Seat?

To grab your seat, fill out the form below and pay  the initial registration cost of $3,250.  Add your registration to the cart. You will need to click on the cart to then check out.  Look for a personal email from me within 2-3 days of registering to schedule a celebration and support call!