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Turn Down Self Criticism, Turn Up Your Brilliance

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Join Meghan Patiño, a Leadership and Life Coach, in this interactive workshop where you will learn a simple and effective tool to quiet the inner-critic and trust your creative brilliance. In this workshop you will see how ideas of brilliance and perfectionism, when entangled, heightens the voice of the inner critic and generates unnecessary fear, anxiety and patterns of self-depletion. The good news is that we can take simple steps to quiet the inner critic and trust our creative brilliance. You’ll walk away with simple and powerful tools so you inhabit your creativity and unique style of leadership with more courage and levity. Meghan will also reveal her own experience dealing with her inner critic.

Come join in this workshop where we will:

  • Redefine your relationship to brilliance so you kick perfectionism out the door

  • Interrupt the inner critic and

  • Learn strategies to take a leap in your self-expression and leadership

Fill out this form below and a Zoom link will be emailed to you. Save September 30th from 12pm-1pm PST on your calendar!

Meghan Patiño is a leadership & life coach so that more people wake up conspiring for their joy, success and for making a meaningful impact. She’s committed to being a catalyst for powerful and positive impact by supporting women to be courageous and trust their inner-compass in the world of business, family and community. She integrates 10+ years as a social worker designing leadership programs for people to be change agents for equity and inclusion into her work as a leadership coach. She’s a graduate of Accomplishment Coaching and known by her clients for integrating both the head and the heart so they fulfill on goals and dreams that make them proud. She's also a mom of three and up for embracing the chaos and beauty of life with her partner and husband of 13 years. Find out more at

Earlier Event: May 21
Deconstructing Whiteness