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Meghan Patino Coaching


What makes you come alive?

Feeling burnt out? Stuck? Striving but empty? Let’s ask a better question…

What makes you come alive?

Because the world needs leaders like you — paying attention to this question.

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Working with Meghan has given me more grace with myself and a fearlessness to be assertive. I have also deepened my professional and personal relationships so that others see my value.
— Erica L.
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Dare to align

Aligning your inner wisdom to your outer commitments gives access to joy, fulfillment and influence; so why don’t we always choose this path? Stepping into a bigger vision of what’s possible comes with the very human response of your survival brain working to keep you at your status quo. I partner with you to create a welcoming mindset for your wildest goals. Together, we make the journey with a little more ease and joy so you walk, dance and sometimes crawl into a future committed to coming alive and unleashing your fullest potential.

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How I Work

Possibility is nourished when you disrupt the status quo. As a coach, I challenge you to break out of a box with heart and humor. Together we pair inner work and personal awareness, coaching tools and creative actions so you generate results and set new trajectories for yourself, your relationships and your career. Check out the different coaching offerings below.

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